Ride a Legend and Meet the Framebuilder - Legend demo Days - 18th and 19th of November 2016

Have you ever wondered what a handmade Italian super bike feels to ride? Now's your chance to find out! On Friday the 18th and Saturday the 19th of November, we're holding our first ever Legend demo days and are delighted to announce that world famous frame builder and owner of the Legend brand Marco Bertoletti will be in attendance so you can meet the Legend himself. Come and learn more about these handbuilt Italian masterpieces.

Demo bikes will include...

HT 7.5 Carbon

HT 9.5 Carbon (multiple sizes and specifications)

HT 11.5 Carbon

Fedaia Steel Disc

Venticinquesimo Titanium/Carbon

Il Re Titanium

Il 58 - Titanium

Don't miss this chance to test ride the some of the world's finest frames and meet their maker.

CONTACT US TODAY TO ARRANGE A TEST RIDE - Please include a daytime contact number when getting in touch

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